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Appendix E - Curriculum Crosswalks

Agricultural Technology: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
AGR 125 Introduction to Fertilizers and Soils AG 125 Introduction to Fertilizers and Soils
AGR 130 Field Applications in Agriculture AG 130 Field Applications in Agriculture
AGR 140 Issues in Agriculture AG 140 Issues in Agriculture
AGR 150 Agriculture Power AG 150 Agriculture Power
AGR 165 Agriculture Seminar AG 160 Agriculture Seminar
AGR 170 Introduction to Equipment, Machines, and Engines AG 170 Introduction to Equipment, Machines, and Engines
AGR 180 Agriculture Internship I AG 180 Agriculture Internship I
AGR 190 Agriculture Internship II AG 190 Agriculture Internship II
AGR 200 Agriculture Internship III AG 200 Agriculture Internship III
AGR 220 Computers in the Agriculture Environment AG 220 Computers in the Agriculture Environment
AGR 230 Career Development in Agriculture AG 230 Career Development in Agriculture
AGR 240 Introduction to Animal Science AG 240 Introduction to Animal Science
AGR 250 Introduction to Plants/Crop Production AG 250 Introduction to Plants/Crop Production

Agriculture: 2017-2018

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
AGR 115 Agriculture Maintenance AGS 115 Agriculture Maintenance
AGR 135 Herbaceous Plant Production AGS 135 Herbaceous Plant Production
AGR 145 Technology in Agriculture AGS 145 Technology in Agriculture
AGR 155 Greenhouse Production AGS 155 Greenhouse Production
AGR 175 Agriculture Marketing and Sales AGS 175 Agriculture Marketing and Sales
AGR 205 Forage Management AGS 205 Forage Management
AGR 215 Weed Management AGS 215 Weed Management
AGR 225 Fruit and Vegetable Production AGS 225 Fruit and Vegetable Production
AGR 235 Field Crop Production AGS 235 Field Crop Production
AGR 245 Pest Management AGS 245 Pest Management
AGR 255 Crop Scouting AGS 255 Crop Scouting
AGR 265 Agriculture Business and Records AGS 265 Agriculture Business and Records
AGR 275 Value Added Production AGS 275 Value Added Production
AGR 285 Farm Financial Management AGS 285 Farm Financial Management
AGR 295 Agriculture Capstone AGS 295 Agriculture Studies Capstone

Art: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
AAD 100 Introduction to Arts Administration Same
Dropped AE 272 Workshop in Art Education
ART 100 Introduction to Art Same
ART 104 Introduction to African Art AH 104 Introduction to African Art
ART 105 Ancient through Medieval Art History AH 105 Ancient through Medieval Art
ART 106 Renaissance Through Modern Art History AH 106 Renaissance Through Modern Art
ART 112 2-Dimensional Design ART 120 2-Dimensional Design
ART 113 3-Dimensional Design ART 130 3-Dimensional Design
ART 201 Ancient Art History AH 210 Ancient Art History
ART 202 Medieval Art AH 211 Medieval Art
ART 203 Renaissance Art AH 212 Renaissance Art
ART 204 Modern Art AH 213 Modern Art
ART 208 Introduction to Art Education AE 270 Introduction to Art Education
ART 211 Life Drawing ART 200 Life Drawing
ART 221 Painting II ART 230 Painting II
ART 240 Ceramics Same
ART 241 Ceramics II ART 250 Ceramics II
Dropped AS 102 Visual Exploration I
Dropped AS 103 Visual Exploration II
Dropped AS 215 Studio II
Dropped ATS 299 Art Studio Topics: (Topic)
Dropped GE 170 Art Appreciation

Biotechnology: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
BTN 101 Introduction to Biotechnology BT 101 Introduction to Biotechnology
BTN 110 Nucleic Acid Methods BT 110 Nucleic Acid Methods
BTN 201 Biotechnology Techniques I BT 201 Biotechnology Techniques I
BTN 202 Biotechnology Techniques II BT 202 Biotechnology Techniques II
BTN 210 Cell Culture and Function BT 210 Cell Culture and Function
BTN 220 Immunological Methods BT 220 Immunological Methods

Business Administration Systems: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped B&E 100 Introduction to Business and Economics
BAS 120 Personal Finance BA 120 Personal Finance
Dropped BA 151 Introduction to Electronic Commerce
Dropped BA 152 Introduction to Web Design
Dropped BA 153 Intermediate Web Page Design
BAS 155 Personal Selling BA 155 Personal Selling
BAS 160 Introduction to Business BA 160 Introduction to Business
BAS 170 Entrepreneurship BA 170 Entrepreneurship
Dropped BA 196 Introduction to Food Management Practicum
BAS 200 Small Business Management BA 200 Small Business Management
BAS 212 Introduction to Financial Management BA 212 Introduction to Financial Management
BAS 250 Business Employability Seminar BA 250 Business Employability Seminar
BAS 256 International Business BA 256 International Business
BAS 260 Professional Development and Protocol BA 260 Professional Development and Protocol
BAS 267 Introduction to Business Law BA 267 Introduction to Business Law
BAS 274 Human Resources Management BA 274 Human Resources Management
BAS 280 Business Internship BA 280 Business Internship
BAS 282 Principles of Marketing BA 282 Principles of Marketing
BAS 283 Principles of Management BA 283 Principles of Management
BAS 284 Applied Management Skills BA 284 Applied Management Skills
BAS 285 Problems in Marketing and Management BA 285 Problems in Marketing and Management
BAS 287 Supervisory Management BA 287 Supervisory Management
BAS 288 Personal and Organizational Leadership BA 288 Personal and Organizational Leadership
BAS 290 Management, Ethics, and Society BA 290 Management, Ethics, and Society
BAS 289 Operations Management BA 289 Operations Management
BAS 291 Retail Management BA 291 Retail Management
BAS 293 Principles of Finance BA 293 Principles of Finance
BAS 294 Money and Financial Institutions BA 294 Money and Financial Institutions
BAS 295 International Finance BA 295 International Finance
BAS 299 Selected Topics in Business Administration: (Topic) BA 299 Selected Topics in Business Administration: (Topic)
HOS 100 Introduction to Hospitality Management HM 100 Introduction to Hospitality Management
HOS 160 Security for the Hospitality Industry HM 160 Security for the Hospitality Industry
HOS 200 Cultural Heritage Tourism HM 200 Cultural Heritage Tourism
HOS 210 Front Office Operations HM 210 Front Office Operations
HOS 282 Tourism Marketing HM 282 Tourism Marketing

Collision Repair Technology: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
CRT 100 Introduction to Collision Repair ABR 100 Introduction to Auto Body Repair
CRT 130 Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair ABR 130 Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
CRT 131 Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair Lab ABR 131 Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair Lab
CRT 150 Painting and Refinishing ABR 150 Painting and Refinishing
CRT 151 Painting and Refinishing Lab ABR 151 Painting and Refinishing Lab
CRT 198 Practicum ABR 198 Practicum
CRT 199 Cooperative Education ABR 199 Cooperative Education
Dropped ABR 200 Plastics and Adhesives
CRT 230 Structural Analysis and Damage Repair ABR 230 Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
CRT 231 Structural Analysis and Damage Repair Lab ABR 231 Structural Analysis and Damage Repair Lab
CRT 250 Mechanical and Electrical Components ABR 250 Mechanical and Electrical Components
CRT 251 Mechanical and Electrical Components Lab ABR 251 Mechanical and Electrical Components Lab
CRT 291 Special Projects I ABR 291 Special Projects I
CRT 293 Special Projects II ABR 293 Special Projects II
CRT 295 Special Projects III ABR 295 Special Projects III
CRT 298 Advanced Practicum ABR 298 Practicum
CRT 299 Advanced Cooperative Education ABR 299 Cooperative Education

Computer Aided Drafting & Design: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
CAD 102 Drafting Fundamentals DFT 102 Drafting Fundamentals
CAD 108 Introduction to Surveying DFT 108 Introduction to Surveying
CAD 112 Engineering Graphics DFT 112 Engineering Graphics
CAD 120 Introduction to Architecture ADFT 130 Introduction to Architecture
CAD 130 Descriptive Geometry DFT 130 Descriptive Geometry
CAD 201 Parametric Modeling CAD 201 Advanced 3-D Modeling
CAD 212 Industrial Drafting Processes DFT 212 Industrial Drafting Processes
CAD 220 Architectural Design ADFT 240 Architectural Design
CAD 222 Mechanical Design DFT 222 Mechanical Design
CAD 230 Construction Techniques ADFT 230 Construction Techniques
CAD 240 Advanced Dimensioning and Measurement DFT 240 Advanced Dimensioning and Measurement
CAD 252 Commercial Detailing ADFT 252 Commercial Detailing
CAD 262 Working Drawings ADFT 262 Working Drawings
CAD 291 Special Problems DFT 291 Special Problems
CAD 292 Industrial Applications DFT 292 Industrial Applications
CAD 293 Special Problems DFT 293 Special Problems
CAD 298 Practicum DFT 298 Practicum
CAD 299 Cooperative Education DFT 299 Cooperative Education

Computerized Manufacturing and Machining: 2012-2013

(Previously listed under Machine Tool Technology)

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
CMM 110 Fundamentals of Machine Tools - A MTT 110 Fundamentals of Machine Tools - A
CMM 112 Fundamentals of Machine Tools - B MTT 112 Fundamentals of Machine Tools - B
CMM 114 Fundamentals of Machine Tools MTT 114 Fundamentals of Machine Tools
CMM 118 Metrology/Control Charts MTT 118 Metrology/Control Charts
CMM 120 Applied Machining I MTT 120 Applied Machining I
CMM 122 Applied Machining II MTT 122 Applied Machining II
CMM 124 Applied Machining MTT 124 Applied Machining
CMM 130 Manual Progamming MTT 130 Manual Progamming
CMM 134 Manual Programming CAD/CAM/CNC MTT 134 Manual Programming CAD/CAM/CNC
CMM 138 Intro to Programming & CNC Machines MTT 138 Intro to Programming & CNC Machines
CMM 150 Shop Theory MTT 150 Shop Theory
CMM 151 Machinery’s Handbook and Metallurgy MTT 151 Machinery’s Handbook and Metallurgy
CMM 152 Jigs, Fixtures and Gaging MTT 152 Jigs, Fixtures and Gaging
CMM 153 Mold Theory MTT 153 Mold Theory
CMM 154 Die Theory MTT 154 Die Theory
CMM 155 Jigs, Fixtures and Gaging Lab MTT 155 Jigs, Fixtures and Gaging Lab
CMM 160 Basic Bench and Machine Processes MTT 160 Basic Bench and Machine Processes
CMM 168 Special Topics in Computerized Manufacturing & Machining MTT 168 Special Topics in Machine Tool Technology
CMM 169 Special Topics in Computerized Manufacturing & Machining MTT 169 Special Topics in Machine Tool Technology
CMM 210 Industrial Machining I MTT 210 Industrial Machining I
CMM 212 Industrial Machining II MTT 212 Industrial Machining II
CMM 214 Industrial Machining MTT 214 Industrial Machining
CMM 218 Advanced Machining Techniques for Manufacturing MTT 218 Advanced Machining Techniques for Manufacturing
CMM 220 Advanced Industrial Machining I MTT 220 Advanced Industrial Machining I
CMM 220 Advanced Industrial Machining II MTT 222 Advanced Industrial Machining II
CMM 224 Advanced Industrial Machining MTT 224 Advanced Industrial Machining
CMM 230 Conversational Programming MTT 230 Conversational Programming
CMM 234 CNC Machines & Coding Practices MTT 234 CNC Machines & Coding Practices
CMM 240 Introduction to 3-D Programming MTT 240 Introduction to 3-D Programming
CMM 244 Advance Programming/Setup Practices MTT 244 Advance Programming/Setup Practices
CMM 298 Practicum MTT 298 Practicum
CMM 299 Cooperative Education Program MTT 299 Cooperative Education Program

Cosmetology: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
COS 105 Esthetician I COSE 110 Esthetician I
Dropped COS 122 Cosmetology I
Dropped COS 124 Cosmetology II
Dropped COS 126 Cosmetology III
COS 135 Individual Requirements I COS 135 Special Problems I
COS 205 Esthetician II COSE 210 Esthetician II
Dropped COS 228 Cosmetology IV
Dropped COS 230 Advanced Cosmetology I
Dropped COS 232 Advanced Cosmetology II
COS 235 Individual Requirements II COS 235 Special Problems II
COS 275 Esthetician III COSE 270 Esthetician III

Criminal Justice: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 102 Introduction to Corrections CJ 102 Introduction to Corrections
CRJ 218 Police Supervision CJ 105 Police Supervision
CRJ 107 Introduction to Firearms CJ 107 Introduction to Firearms
CRJ 110 Principles of Asset Protection CJ 110 Principles of Asset Protection
CRJ 201 Introduction to Criminalistics CJ 201 Introduction to Criminalistics
CRJ 202 Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 202 Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice
CRJ 203 Community Corrections: Probation and Parole CJ 203 Community Corrections: Probation and Parole
CRJ 204 Criminal Investigations CJ 204 Criminal Investigations
CRJ 208 Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System CJ 208 Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System
CRJ 210 Physical Security Technology & Systems CJ 210 Physical Security Technology & Systems
CRJ 211 Liability and Legal Issues CJ 211 Liability and Legal Issues
CRJ 215 Introduction to Law Enforcement CJ 215 Introduction to Law Enforcement
CRJ 216 Criminal Law CJ 216 Criminal Law
CRJ 217 Criminal Procedures CJ 217 Criminal Procedures
CRJ 220 Introduction to Computer Forensics for Criminal Justice CJ 220 Introduction to Computer Forensics for Criminal Justice
CRJ 222 Prison & Jail Administration CJ 222 Prison & Jail Administration
CRJ 230 Criminal Justice Courtroom Procedures CJ 230 Criminal Justice Courtroom Procedures
CRJ 231 Legal Aspects of Corrections CJ 231 Legal Aspects of Corrections
CRJ 240 Introduction to Corporate & Industrial Security CJ 240 Introduction to Corporate & Industrial Security
CRJ 245 Introduction to Business and Industrial Fraud CJ 245 Introduction to Business and Industrial Fraud
CRJ 279 Terrorism and Political Violence CJ 279 Terrorism and Political Violence
CRJ 290 Internship in Criminal Justice CJ 290 Internship in Criminal Justice
CRJ 299 Selected Topics in Law Enforcement CJ 299 Selected Topics in Law Enforcement

Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
DAH 124 Materials in Dentistry DAH 224 Materials in Dentistry
Dropped DAH 111 Preventive Dentistry

Dental Hygiene (BCTC): 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
DHP 120 Dental Hygiene I DH 120 Dental Hygiene I
DHP 121 Oral Biology I DH 121 Oral Biology I
DHP 130 Dental Hygiene II DH 130 Dental Hygiene II
DHP 131 Oral Biology II DH 131 Oral Biology II
DHP 135 Dental Radiology DH 135 Dental Radiology
DHP 136 Periodontics I DH 136 Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist I
DHP 220 Dental Hygiene III DH 220 Dental Hygiene III
DHP 222 Special Needs Patients DH 222 Special Needs Patients
DHP 224 Dental Materials DH 224 Dental Materials
DHP 226 Periodontics II DH 226 Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist II
DHP 229 Local Anesthesia DH 229 Local Anesthesia
DHP 230 Dental Hygiene IV DH 230 Dental Hygiene IV
DHP 235 Principles of Practice DH 235 Principles of Practice
DHP 238 Community Dental Health DH 238 Community Dental Health
DHP 299 Independent Study Dental Hygiene DH 299 Independent Study Dental Hygiene

Diagnostic Medical Sonography: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
DMS 105 Introduction to Cardiology SONO 105 Introduction to Cardiology
DMS 109 Sonography I SONO 110 Sonography I
DMS 111 Abdominal Synography SONO 111 Abdominal Synography
DMS 115 Sonography II SONO 115 Sonography II
DMS 116 OB/GYN Sonography SONO 116 OB/GYN Sonography
DMS 117 Vascular Sonography I SONO 117 Vascular Sonography I
DMS 118 Vascular Sonography II SONO 118 Vascular Sonography II
DMS 119 Ultrasonic Physics and Instrumentation SONO 120 Ultrasonic Physics and Instrumentation
DMS 121 Sonography Physics and Instrumentation SONO 121 Sonography Physics and Instrumentation
DMS 126 Clinical Education I SONO 125 Clinical Education I
DMS 136 Vascular Clinical Education I SONO 136 Vascular Clinical Education I
DMS 145 Cardiac Sonography I SONO 145 Cardiac Sonography I
DMS 199 Online Physics Review SONO 200 Online Physics Review
DMS 201 Online Abdomen Review SONO 201 Online Abdomen Review
DMS 202 Online OB/GYN Review SONO 202 Online OB/GYN Review
Dropped SONO 203 Online High Resolution Sonography
DMS 204 Online Vascular Sonography SONO 204 Online Vascular Sonography
DMS 205 Cardiac Sonography II SONO 205 Cardiac Sonography II
DMS 206 Online Vascular Sonography III SONO 206 Online Vascular Sonography III
DMS 215 Cardiac Sonography III SONO 215 Cardiac Sonography III
DMS 217 Basic Cardiac Ultrasound Sonography SONO 217 Basic Cardiac Ultrasound Sonography
DMS 230 Clinical Education II SONO 230 Clinical Education II
DMS 236 Vascular Clinical Education II SONO 236 Vascular Clinical Education II
DMS 237 Vascular Clinical Education III SONO 237 Vascular Clinical Education III
DMS 240 Clinical Education III SONO 240 Clinical Education III
DMS 245 Cardiac Sonography IV SONO 245 Cardiac Sonography IV
DMS 255 Vascular Technology SONO 255 Vascular Technology
DMS 260 Vascular Clinical Education SONO 260 Vascular Clinical Education
DMS 280 Basic Vascular Technology SONO 280 Basic Vascular Technology

Digital Game and Simulation Design: 2012-2013

(Previously listed under Digital Game Design)

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
DGD 132 Introduction to 3D Graphics IT 131 Introduction to Digital 3-D Game Graphics
DGD 232 3D Character Development IT 232 3-D Digital Game Character Development
DGD 234 3D Animation IT 231 3-D Digital Game Animation

Education: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
EDU 110 Orientation to Education ED 101 Orientation to Education
EDU 120 Child & Adolescent Development ED 102 Child & Adolescent Development
EDU 130 Introduction to Special Education ED 103 Introduction to Special Education
EDU 140 Introduction to Behavioral Management ED 104 Introduction to Behavioral Management
EDU 150 Practical Experiences for the Paraeducator ED 105 Practical Experiences for the Paraeducator
EDU 201 Introduction to American Education ED 201 Introduction to American Education
EDU 204 Technology in the Classroom ED 203 Technology in the Classroom
EDU 240 Elementary & Middle School Literature ED 240 Elementary & Middle School Literature
EDU 270 Elementary School Literature ED 270 Elementary School Literature
EDU 280 Education Externship/Co-op ED 280 Education Externship/Co-op
EDU 299 Selected Topics in Education ED 299 Selected Topics in Education

Education: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
EDM 270 Teaching and Learning in the Middle Grades MID 270 Teaching and Learning in the Middle Grades

Emergency Medical Services – Paramedic: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped PAR 110 Introduction to Paramedic Practice
Dropped PAR 120 Paramedic Practice II
Dropped PAR 220 Paramedic Practice III
Dropped PAR 230 Clinical Practicum I
Dropped PAR 2301 Clinical Practicum I-A
Dropped PAR 2302 Clinical Practicum I-B
Dropped PAR 240 Field Internship I
Dropped PAR 2401 Field Internship I-A
Dropped PAR 2402 Field Internship I-B
EMS 200 Introduction to Paramedicine - New
EMS 210 Emergency Pharmacology - New
EMS 211 Fundamentals Lab - New
EMS 215 Clinical Experience I - New
EMS 220 Cardiovascular Emergencies - New
EMS 221 Cardiac and Trauma Lab - New
EMS 225 Clinical Experience II - New
EMS 230 Traumatic Emergencies - New
EMS 231 Medical Lab - New
EMS 235 Clinical Experience III - New
EMS 240 Medical Emergencies I - New
EMS 250 Medical Emergencies II - New
EMS 260 Special Populations - New
EMS 270 EMS Operations - New
EMS 275 Seminar in Advanced Life Support (ALS) - New
EMS 285 Field Internship & Summation - New

Energy Systems: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
ESP 101 Introduction to Energy Systems ES 101 Introduction to Energy Systems
ESP 110 Petroleum Based Fuels ES 110 Introduction to Petroleum Based Fuels
ESP 120 Power Plant Chemistry ES 120 Power Plant Chemistry
ESP 130 Electrical Concepts ES 130 Electrical Concepts
ESP 132 Electrical Machinery and Controls ES 132 Electrical Machinery and Controls
ESP 211 Power Plant Operations I ES 211 Power Plant Operations I: Introduction to Power Plant Operations
ESP 212 Power Plant Operations II ES 212 Power Plant Operations II: Boilers/Fuel/Air Combustion/Emissions
ESP 213 Power Plant Operations III ES 213 Power Plant Operations III: Water/Steam/Turbines/Generators
ESP 214 Power Plant Operations IV ES 214 Power Plant Operations IV: Auxiliaries
ESP 220 Power Plant Thermodynamics ES 220 Power Plant Thermodynamic Applications
ESP 280 Capstone in Energy Systems ES 280 Capstone in Energy Systems

Engineering & Electronics Technology (Previously MIT: Engineering Technology): 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
ELT 102 Blueprint Reading ET 102 Blueprint Reading
ELT 105 Computer Maintenance Essentials ENGT 105 Computer Maintenance Essentials
ELT 106 Mechanical Engineering Graphics ET 106 Mechanical Engineering Graphics II
ELT 107 Computer Applications for Technicians ET 107 Computer Applications for Technicians
ELT 110 Circuits I ENGT 110 Circuits I
ELT 114 Circuits II ENGT 114 Circuits II
ELT 118 Computer Numerical Control ET 118 Manufacturing III, Computer Numerical Control
ELT 120 Digital I ENGT 120 Digital I
ELT 122 Mechanical Power Transmissions Systems ET 122 Mechanical Power Transmissions Systems
ELT 124 Mechanical Power Transmission Systems Lab ET 124 Mechanical Power Transmission Systems Lab
ELT 201 Statics and Strength of Materials ET 201 Statics and Strength of Materials
ELT 205 Advanced Computer Maintenance ENGT 205 Advanced Computer Maintenance
ELT 208 Thermodynamic Applications ET 210 Thermodynamic Applications
ELT 210 Devices I ENGT 210 Devices I
ELT 214 Devices II ENGT 214 Devices II
ELT 220 Digital II ENGT 220 Digital II
ELT 222 Mechanics of Telephony ENGT 222 Mechanics of Telephony
ELT 224 Basic Telecommunications Installation and Maintenance ENGT 224 Basic Telecommunications Installation and Maintenance
ELT 226 Safety in the Workplace ENGT 226 Safety in the Workplace
ELT 232 Computer Software Maintenance ET 232 Computer Software Maintenance
ELT 234 Computer Hardware Maintenance ET 234 Computer Hardware Maintenance
ELT 240 Communications Electronics ENGT 250 Communications Electronics
ELT 243 Electric Power Distribution ET 243 Electric Power Distribution
ELT 244 Electrical Machinery and Controls ET 244 Electrical Machinery and Controls
ELT 250 Programmable Logic Controllers ET 250 Programmable Logic Controllers
ELT 256 Microprocessor Fundamentals ET 256 Microprocessor Fundamentals
ELT 260 Robotic and Industrial Automation ENGT 260 Robotic and Industrial Automation
ELT 261 Instrumentation and Measurements ET 261 Instrumentation and Measurements
ELT 262 Measurement and Instrumentation ET 262 Measurement and Instrumentation
ELT 264 Mechanical Design ET 264 Mechanical Design
ELT 265 Applied Fluid Power ET 265 Applied Fluid Power
ELT 290 Selected Topics in Engineering Technology: (Topic) ET 290 Selected Topics in Engineering Technology: (Topic)
ELT 295 Independent Problems ET 295 Independent Problems

Engineering and Electronics Technology: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
ELT 103 Introduction to Engineering ET 103 Introduction to Engineering

Foreign Language: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
FRE 101 Elementary French I FR 101 Elementary French
FRE 102 Elementary French II FR 102 Elementary French II
FRE 201 Intermediate French I FR 201 Intermediate French I
FRE 202 Intermediate French II FR 202 Intermediate French II
GER 101 Elementary German I GER 101 Basic German
GER 102 Elementary German II GER 102 Basic German
GER 201 Intermediate German I GER 201 Intermediate German
GER 202 Intermediate German II GER 202 Intermediate German
RAE 150 Elementary Chinese I RAE 150 Beginning Chinese I
RAE 151 Elementary Chinese II RAE 151 Beginning Chinese II
SED 101 Sign Language I SED 101 American Sign Language I
SED 102 Sign Language II SED 102 American Sign Language II
SED 203 Sign Language III SED 203 American Sign Language III
SED 204 Sign Language IV SED 204 American Sign Language IV
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish III (Spoken Approach)
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish IV (Spoken Approach)

General College Studies: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
GEN 100 Introduction to College GE 100 Introduction to College
GEN 102 Foundations of Learning GE 101 Strategies for Academic Success
AGR 101 The Economics of Food and Agriculture GEN 101 The Economics of Food and Agriculture
GEN 103 Principles of Peer Mentoring GE 103 Principles of Peer Mentoring
GEN 104 Applied Principles of Peer Mentoring GE 104 Applied Principles of Peer Mentoring
GEN 120 Service Learning GE 120 Service Learning
GEN 122 The Exemplary Tutor GE 122 The Exemplary Tutor
GEN 123 The Exemplary Reading Tutor GE 123 The Exemplary Reading Tutor
GEN 125 Applied Meta-Thinking
GEN 130 Introduction to Information Resources GE 130 Introduction to Information Resources
GEN 131 Basic Library Research and Resources GE 131 Basic Library Research and Resources
GEN 140 Development of Leadership GE 140 Development of Leadership
GEN 150 Basic Computer Skills GE 150 Computer Literacy
GEN 175 Career and Life Skills Development
GEN 225 Lifelong Learning Applications
GEN 276 Employment and Professional Skills GEC 276 Employment and Professional Skills

Global Studies: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
GBS 290 Global Studies Capstone Course GS 290 Global Studies Capstone Course

Health Physics: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
HPH 100 Health Physics Fundamentals HP 100 Health Physics Fundamentals
HPH 101 Introduction to Health Physics I HP 101 Introduction to Health Physics I
HPH 102 Introduction to Health Physics II HP 102 Introduction to Health Physics II
HPH 120 Introduction to Radiation Biology HP 120 Introduction to Radiation Biology
HPH 201 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement I HP 201 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement I
HPH 202 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement II HP 202 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurement II
HPH 246 Environmental Law ENVR 246 Environmental Law

Homeland Security/Emergency Management: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
HSM 100 Introduction to Homeland Security HSEM 100 Introduction to Homeland Security
HSM 110 Introduction to Emergency Management HSEM 110 Introduction to Emergency Management
HSM 225 Ethical and Legal Issues in Homeland Security HSEM 225 Ethical and Legal Issues in Homeland Security

Human Services: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
HMS 101 Human Services Survey HS 101 Human Services Survey
HMS 102 Values of Human Services in a Contemporary Society HS 102 Values of Human Services in a Contemporary Society
HMS 103 Theories and Techniques in Human Services HS 103 Theories and Techniques in Human Services
HMS 104 Group Dynamics for Human Services HS 104 Group Dynamics for Human Services
HMS 200 Dynamics of Human Behavior HS 200 Dynamics of Human Behavior
HMS 210 Drugs, Society & Human Behavior HS 210 Drugs, Society & Human Behavior
HMS 211 Introductions to Addictions HS 211 Introductions to Addictions
HMS 212 Crisis Intervention HS 212 Crisis Intervention
HMS 220 Cultural Diversity in Human Services HS 220 Cultural Diversity in Human Services
HMS 235 Teaching Persons with Mental Retardation HS 235 Teaching Persons with Mental Retardation
HMS 250 Clinical Practice in Human Services HS 250 Clinical Practice in Human Services
HMS 265 Working with Disabilities in Human Services HS 265 Working with Disabilities in Human Services
HMS 299 Special Topics in Human Services: (Topic) HS 299 Special Topics in Human Services: (Topic)
SWK 124 Introduction to Social Services SW 124 Introduction to Social Services
SWK 222 Development of Social Welfare SW 222 Development of Social Welfare

Industrial Safety: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
ISX 101 Introduction to Industrial Safety IS 100 Introduction to Industrial Safety

Industrial Technology: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
ITE 233 Statistical Process Control INDT 233 Statistical Process Control
ITE 250 Team Dynamics and Problem Solving INDT 250 Team Dynamics and Problem Solving

Logistics and Operations Management: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
LOM 180 Project Management IT 180 Project Management

Masonry: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped MASE 101 Special Problems I
MSY 105 Introductory Masonry MASE 105 Introductory Masonry
MSY 115 Intermediate Masonry MASE 115 Intermediate Masonry
MSY 198 Practicum I MASE 198 Practicum
MSY 199 Cooperative Education I MASE 199 Cooperative Education
Dropped MASE 201 Special Problems II
MSY 205 Advanced Masonry MASE 205 Advanced Masonry
MSY 215 Masonry Lab MASE 215 Masonry Lab
MSY 225 Brick Construction MASE 225 Brick Construction
MSY 235 Special Techniques in Brick Construction MASE 235 Special Techniques in Brick Construction
MSY 245 Anchors and Reinforcement MASE 245 Anchors and Reinforcement
MSY 251 Concrete Finishing MASE 251 Concrete Finishing
MSY 253 Masonry Floors and Steps MASE 253 Masonry Floors and Steps
MSY 255 Glass Blocks and Tile MASE 255 Glass Blocks and Tile
MSY 257 Stone MASE 257 Stone
MSY 275 Fireplace Construction MASE 275 Fireplace Construction
MSY 291 Masonry Applications MASE 291 Special Problems III
MSY 298 Practicum II MASE 298 Practicum
MSY 299 Cooperative Education II MASE 299 Cooperative Education

Math: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
DROPPED MAT 120 Intermediate Algebra
MAT 190 Mathematics Workshop MT 190 Mathematics Workshop

Medical Information Technology: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
MIT 103 Medical Office Terminology OST 103 Medical Office Terminology
MIT 104 Medical Insurance OST 104 Introduction to Medical Insurance
MIT 106 Introduction to Medical Transcription OST 106 Introduction to Medical Transcription
MIT 204 Medical Coding OST 204 Medical Coding
MIT 205 Advanced Medical Coding OST 205 Advanced Medical Coding
MIT 206 Medical Transcription OST 206 Medical Transcription
MIT 208 Inpatient Coding OST 208 Introduction to Hospital Coding
MIT 212 Medications OST 212 Medications
MIT 217 Medical Office Procedures OST 217 Medical Office Procedures
MIT 227 Medical Office Software OST 227 Medical Office Software
MIT 228 Electronic Medical Records OST 228 Electronic Medical Records
MIT 230 Medical Information Management OST 230 Medical Records and Data Management

Medical Laboratory Technology: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
MLT 101 Introduction to Clinical Laboratory CLT 101 Introduction to Clinical Laboratory
MLT 112 Urinalysis CLT 111 Urinalysis
MLT 115 Serology CLT 125 Serology
MLT 119 Applied Laboratory CLT 130 Applied Laboratory
MLT 1191 Applied Laboratory Part 1 CLT 1301 Applied Laboratory Part 1
MLT 1192 Applied Laboratory Part 2 CLT 1302 Applied Laboratory Part 2
MLT 205 Clinical Microbiology I CLT 205 Clinical Microbiology I
MLT 206 Clinical Microbiology II CLT 206 Clinical Microbiology II
MLT 207 Introduction to Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology CLT 207 Introduction to Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology
MLT 208 Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology I CLT 208 Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology I
MLT 209 Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology II CLT 209 Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology II
MLT 215 Hematology I CLT 215 Hematology I
MLT 216 Hematology II CLT 216 Hematology II
MLT 217 Fundamentals of Hematology CLT 217 Fundamentals of Hematology
MLT 218 Clinical Hematology CLT 218 Clinical Hematology
MLT 225 Immunohematology I CLT 225 Immunohematology I
MLT 226 Immunohematology II CLT 226 Immunohematology II
MLT 227 Immunohematology CLT 227 Immunohematology
MLT 233 Clinical Chemistry I CLT 235 Clinical Chemistry I
MLT 234 Clinical Chemistry II CLT 236 Clinical Chemistry II
MLT 247 Introduction to Clinical Chemistry CLT 237 Introduction to Clinical Chemistry
MLT 248 Advanced Clinical Chemistry CLT 238 Advanced Clinical Chemistry
MLT 275 Clinical Experience CLT 275 Clinical Experience
MLT 278 Practicum I CLT 280 Practicum I
MLT 2781 Practicum I Part I CLT 2801 Practicum I Part I
MLT 2782 Practicum I Part II CLT 2802 Practicum I Part II
MLT 279 Practicum II CLT 290 Practicum II
MLT 2791 Practicum II Part I CLT 2901 Practicum II Part I
MLT 2792 Practicum II Part II CLT 2902 Practicum II Part II

Mining Technology: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped ET 100 Introduction to Surface and Underground Coal Mining
MNG 123 Mining Electricity I ET 123 Mining Electricity I
MNG 125 Mining Electricity I Lab ET 125 Mining Electricity I Lab
MNG 150 Mining Laws ET 150 Mining Laws
Dropped ET 154 Spoil Management
Dropped ET 155 Elements of Underground and Surface Mining
Dropped ET 156 Elements of Underground and Surface Mining Lab I
Dropped ET 157 Elements of Underground and Surface Mining Lab II
MNG 190 Mine Emergency Technician ET 190 Mine Emergency Technician
Dropped ET 271 Mining Mechanics and Hydraulics
MNG 274 Mine Safety ET 274 Mine Safety
MNG 275 Mine Management ET 275 Mine Management
MNG 286 Roof Control and Ventilation ET 286 Roof Control and Ventilation

Music: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped MU 101 Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents
Dropped MUC 171 Brass Ensemble
Dropped MUC 174 University Chorale
MUS 100 Introduction to Music MUS 100 Introduction to Music
MUS 120 Music Technology I MU 120 Music Technology I
MUS 121 Music Technology II MU 121 Music Technology II
MUS 150 Class Instruction in Piano I MUC 150 Class Instruction in Piano
MUS 151 Class Instruction in Piano II MUC 151 Class Instruction in Piano
MUS 152 Class Instruction in Piano III MUC 152 Class Instruction in Piano
MUS 153 Class Instruction in Piano IV MUC 153 Class Instruction in Piano
MUS 155 Voice Class for Non-Music Majors MUC 155 Voice Class for Non-Music Majors
Dropped MUS 170 Music Theory, Aural
Dropped MUS 171 Music Theory, Written
Dropped MUS 172 Music Theory, Aural
Dropped MUS 173 Music Theory, Written
MUS 174 Theory for Non Music Majors MUS 174 Theory for Non Music Majors
MUS 192 University Chorus MUC 174 & MUC 192 University Chorale and University Singers
MUS 206 American Music History MUS 206 American Music History
Dropped MUS 220 Symphonic Music
MUS 222 History and Sociology of Rock Music MUS 222 History and Sociology of Rock Music
MUS 260 Teaching Music for the Elementary Grades I MUS 260 Teaching Music for the Elementary Grades I
MUS 261 Teaching Music for the Elementary Grades II MUS 261 Teaching Music for the Elementary Grades II

Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
NMI 140 Clinical Procedures I NMMI 140 Clinical Procedures I
NMI 141 Physics and Instrumentation I NMMI 141 Physics and Instrumentation I
NMI 142 Radiation Biology and Protection NMMI 142 Radiation Biology and Protection
NMI 150 Clinic I NMMI 150 Clinic I
NMI 160 Clinical Procedures II NMMI 160 Clinical Procedures II
NMI 161 Physics and Instrumentation II NMMI 161 Physics and Instrumentation II
NMI 170 Clinic II NMMI 170 Clinic II
NMI 220 Clinic III NMMI 220 Clinic III
NMI 230 Radiopharmacy NMMI 230 Radiopharmacy
NMI 240 Clinical Procedures III NMMI 240 Clinical Procedures III
NMI 250 Clinical Procedures IV NMMI 250 Clinical Procedures IV
NMI 260 Clinic IV NMMI 260 Clinic IV
NMI 270 Clinic V NMMI 270 Clinic V

Nursing (BCTC): 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
NRN 115 Nursing I NR 115 Nursing I
NRN 125 Nursing II NR 125 Nursing II
NRN 235 Nursing III NR 235 Nursing III
NRN 245 Nursing IV NR 245 Nursing IV
NRN 255 Nursing V NR 255 Nursing V
NRN 265 Nursing VI NR 265 Nursing VI

Philosophy: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality
PHI 110 Medical Ethics PHL 110 Bioethics: Moral Issues in Health Care
PHI 130 Ethics PHI 130 Introduction to Philosophy: Morality and Society
PHI 150 Business Ethics PHL 120 Business Ethics
PHI 260 History of Philosophy I: From Greek Beginnings to the Middle Ages PHI 260 History of Philosophy I: From Greek Beginnings to the Middle Ages
PHI 270 History of Philosophy II: From the Renaissance to the Present Era PHI 270 History of Philosophy II: From the Renaissance to the Present Era

Physics: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PHY 151 Introductory Physics I PHY 151 Introduction to Physics
PHY 152 Introductory Physics II PHY 152 Introduction to Physics
PHY 160 Physics and Astronomy for Elementary Teachers PHY 160 Physics and Astronomy for Elementary Teachers
PHY 161 Introductory Physics I Laboratory PH 161 Introductory Physics Laboratory I
PHY 162 Introductory Physics II Laboratory PH 162 Introductory Physics Laboratory II
PHY 171 Applied Physics PH 171 Applied Physics
PHY 172 Physics for Health Sciences PH 172 Physics for Health Sciences
PHY 201 College Physics I PHY 201 General Physics
PHY 202 College Physics I Laboratory PHY 210 Special Laboratory for General Physics PHY 201
Deactivated PHY 211 General Physics
PHY 203 College Physics II PHY 203 General Physics
PHY 204 College Physics II Laboratory PHY 212 Special Laboratory for General Physics PHY 203
Deactivated PHY 213 General Physics
PHY 231 General University Physics I PHY 231 General University Physics
PHY 232 General University Physics II PHY 232 General University Physics
PHY 241 General University Physics I Laboratory PHY 241 General University Physics Laboratory
PHY 242 General University Physics II Laboratory PHY 242 General University Physics Laboratory

Political Science: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
POL 101 American Government PS 101 American Government
POL 210 Introduction to European Politics: East and West PS 210 Introduction to European Politics: East and West
POL 212 Culture and Politics in Developing Nations PS 212 Culture and Politics in the Third World
POL 235 World Politics PS 235 World Politics
POL 255 State Government PS 155 State Government
POL 280 Issues in Public Policy PS 280 Issues in Public Policy
POL 299 Special Topics in Political Science PS 299 Special Topics in Political Science

Note: POL 271 Introduction to Political Behavior (3 credit hours) removed from general education status.

Professional Studio Artist: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PSJ 110 Jewelry/Metals I PSAJ 110 Jewelry/Metals I
PSJ 115 Jewelry/Metals II PSAJ 115 Jewelry/Metals II
PSJ 116 Ancient Techniques PSAJ 116 Ancient Techniques
PSJ 117 Metal Casting/Finishing Techniques PSAJ 117 Metal Casting/Finishing Techniques
PSJ 210 Jewelry/Metals III PSAJ 210 Jewelry/Metals III
PSJ 211 Hollowware and Metal Forming PSAJ 211 Hollowware and Metal Forming
PSJ 212 Metallurgy of Precious Metals PSAJ 212 Metallurgy of Precious Metals
PSJ 215 Jewelry/Metals IV PSAJ 215 Jewelry/Metals IV
PSJ 216 Stone Settings PSAJ 216 Stone Settings
PSJ 220 Jewelry/Metals Product Development PSAJ 220 Jewelry/Metals Product Development
PSJ 230 Jewelry/Metals V PSAJ 230 Jewelry/Metals V
PSM 101 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History I: Geographic Influence & Instrumental Origin PSAM 101 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History I: Geographic Influence & Instrumental Origin
PSM 105 Recording I PSAM 105 Recording I
PSM 108 Songwriting I PSAM 108 Songwriting I
PSM 110 Individual Stringed Instrument Instruction PSAM 110 Individual Stringed Instrument Instruction
PSM 111 Guitar I PSAM 111 Guitar I
PSM 115 Bluegrass & Traditional Band/Ensemble PSAM 115 Bluegrass & Traditional Band/Ensemble
PSM 116 Bluegrass & Traditional Harmony/Part Singing PSAM 116 Bluegrass & Traditional Harmony/Part Singing
PSM 121 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History II: Evolution of Old Time, Folk and Early Bluegrass PSAM 121 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History II: Evolution of Old Time, Folk and Early Bluegrass
PSM 125 Recording II PSAM 125 Recording II
PSM 128 Songwriting II PSAM 128 Songwriting II
PSM 231 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History III: Early Stringband & Country Music PSAM 231 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History III: Early Stringband & Country Music
PSM 235 Recording III PSAM 235 Recording III
PSM 238 Songwriting III PSAM 238 Songwriting III
PSM 241 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History IV: The Masters & Their Music PSAM 241 Bluegrass & Traditional Music History IV: The Masters & Their Music
PSM 245 Recording IV PSAM 245 Recording IV
PSM 248 Songwriting IV PSAM 248 Songwriting IV
PSM 250 Field Experience/Production/Business PSAM 250 Field Experience/Production/Business
PSW 111 Introduction to Furniture Making PSAW 111 Introduction to Furniture Making
PSW 115 Furniture Making II PSAW 115 Furniture Making II
PSW 116 Wood Finishing PSAW 116 Wood Finishing
PSW 117 Wood Turning for Furniture PSAW 117 Wood Turning for Furniture
PSW 210 Furniture Making III PSAW 210 Furniture Making III
PSW 211 Wood Bending and Veneering PSAW 211 Wood Bending and Veneering
PSW 212 Chair Design PSAW 212 Chair Design
PSW 215 Furniture Making IV PSAW 215 Furniture Making IV
PSW 220 Furniture/Wood Product Development PSAW 220 Furniture/Wood Product Development
PSW 23 Furniture Making V PSAW 23 Furniture Making V

Professional Studio Artist: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PSM 107 Songwriting I PSM 108 Songwriting I
PSM 112 Individual Stringed Instrument Instruction PSM 110 Individual Stringed Instrument Instruction
PSM 113 Guitar I PSM 111 Guitar I
PSM 114 Bluegrass & Traditional Band/Ensemble PSM 115 Bluegrass & Traditional Band/Ensemble
PSM 117 Songwriting II PSM 128 Songwriting II
PSM 118 Bluegrass & Traditional Harmony/Part Singing PSM 116 Bluegrass & Traditional Harmony/Part Singing
PSM 217 Songwriting III PSM 238 Songwriting III
PSM 227 Songwriting IV PSM 248 Songwriting IV

Psychology: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
Dropped PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology
PSY 110 General Psychology PY 110 General Psychology
PSY 180 Human Relations PY 180 Human Relations
PSY 185 Human Potential PY 185 Human Potential
PSY 230 Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying PY 230 Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying
PSY 297 Psychology of Aging PY 297 Psychology of Aging

Psychology: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PSY 298 Essentials of Abnormal Psychology PY 298 Essentials of Abnormal Psychology

Psychology: 2013-2014

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
PSY 181 Leadership Development PY 181 Leadership Development
PSY 188 Directed Undergraduate Readings in Psychology PY 188 Directed Undergraduate Readings in Psychology
PSY 189 Directed Undergraduate Research in Psychology PY 189 Directed Undergraduate Research in Psychology
PSY 212 Applications of Statistics in Psychology PSY 216 Applications of Statistics in Psychology
PSY 213 Research Methods PSY 215 Experimental Psychology
PSY 299 Special Introductory Topics in Psychology PY 299 Special Introductory Topics in Psychology

Radiography: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
IMG 100 Radiography I RADI 100 Radiography I
IMG 101 Clinical I RADI 101 Clinical I
IMG 104 Introduction to Radiography RADI 104 Introduction to Radiography
IMG 106 Patient Care in Radiography RADI 106 Patient Care in Radiography
IMG 108 Radiographic Procedures I RADI 108 Radiographic Procedures I
IMG 109 Clinical Practice I RADI 109 Clinical Practice I
IMG 110 Radiography II RADI 110 Radiography II
IMG 111 Clinical II RADI 111 Clinical II
IMG 114 Image Production and Acquisition RADI 114 Image Production and Acquisition
IMG 116 Advanced Patient Care in Radiography RADI 116 Advanced Patient Care in Radiography
IMG 118 Radiographic Procedures II RADI 118 Radiographic Procedures II
IMG 119 Clinical Practice II RADI 119 Clinical Practice II
IMG 201 Clinical III RADI 201 Clinical III
IMG 209 Clinical Practice III RADI 209 Clinical Practice III
IMG 210 Radiography IV RADI 210 Radiography IV
IMG 211 Clinical IV RADI 211 Clinical IV
IMG 214 Imaging Equipment RADI 214 Imaging Equipment
IMG 216 Basic Computed Tomography RADI 216 Basic Computed Tomography
IMG 219 Clinical Practice IV RADI 219 Clinical Practice IV
IMG 220 Radiography V RADI 220 Radiography V
IMG 221 Clinical V RADI 221 Clinical V
IMG 224 Radiation Protection and Biology RADI 224 Radiation Protection and Biology
IMG 226 Radiographic Pathology RADI 226 Radiographic Pathology
IMG 228 Radiography Seminar RADI 228 Radiography Seminar
IMG 229 Clinical Practice V RADI 229 Clinical Practice V
IMG 230 Sectional Anatomy for Advanced Medical Imaging RADI 230 Sectional Anatomy for Advanced Medical Imaging
IMG 240 Pathology for Advanced Medical Imaging Modalities RADI 240 Pathology for Advanced Medical Imaging Modalities
IMG 250 Computed Tomography Physics and Instrumentation RADI 250 Computed Tomography Physics and Instrumentation
IMG 255 Magnetic Resonance Physics and Instrumentation RADI 255 Magnetic Resonance Physics and Instrumentation
IMG 260 Computed Tomography Imaging Procedures RADI 260 Computed Tomography Imaging Procedures
IMG 265 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology RADI 265 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology

Reading: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
RDG 185 College Reading CMS 185 College Reading

Real Estate: 2011-2012

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
REA 100 Real Estate Principles I RE 100 Real Estate Principles I
REA 120 Real Estate Marketing RE 120 Real Estate Marketing
REA 121 Appraising RE 121 Appraising
REA 122 Construction and Blueprints RE 122 Construction and Blueprints
REA 200 Real Estate Principles II RE 200 Real Estate Principles II
REA 201 Property Management RE 201 Property Management
REA 202 Real Estate Investments I RE 202 Real Estate Investments I
REA 203 Commercial and Industrial Property RE 203 Commercial and Industrial Property
REA 204 Land Planning and Development RE 204 Land Planning and Development
REA 205 Farm Brokerage RE 205 Farm Brokerage
REA 212 Real Estate Investments II RE 212 Real Estate Investments II
REA 220 Real Estate Brokerage Management RE 220 Real Estate Brokerage Management
REA 221 Basic Income Approach to Property Validation RE 221 Basic Income Approach to Property Validation
REA 222 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal RE 222 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
REA 225 Real Estate Finance RE 225 Real Estate Finance
REA 230 Real Estate Law RE 230 Real Estate Law
REA 299 Selected Topics in Real Estate RE 299 Selected Topics in Real Estate

Religion: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
REL 101 Introduction to Religion RS 101 Introduction to Religion Studies
REL 102 Philosophy of Religion RS 102 Philosophy of Religion
REL 120 Introduction to the Old Testament RS 120 Introduction to the Old Testament
REL 121 Introduction to the New Testament RS 121 Introduction to the New Testament
REL 1301 Introduction to Comparative Religion RS 130 Introduction to Comparative Religion

Cross-listed with ANT 130 Introduction to Comparative Religion (3 credit hours).

Theatre: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
THA 101 Introduction to Theatre: Principles and Practice TA 101 Introduction to Theatre: Principles and Practice
THA 126 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting TA 126 Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting
THA 127 Acting Techniques TA 127 Acting Techniques
THA 150 Fundamentals of Production TA 150 Fundamentals of Production
THA 190 Production Practicum TA 190 Production Practicum
THA 191 Performance Practicum TA 191 Performance Practicum
THA 196 Summer Theatre Workshop TA 196 Summer Theatre Workshop
THA 200 Introduction to Dramatic Literature TA 200 Introduction to Dramatic Literature
THA 203 Acting for the Camera TA 203 Acting for the Camera
THA 226 Acting II: Scene Study (Realism) TA 226 Acting II: Scene Study (Realism)
THA 227 Acting III: Scene Study (Styles) TA 227 Acting III: Scene Study (Styles)
THA 260 Stagecraft TA 260 Stagecraft
THA 283 American Theatre TA 283 American Theatre

Transitional Mathematics: 2012-2013

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
MAT 085 Intermediate Algebra New Course

Women’s and Gender Studies: 2010-2011

New Course Number New Course Name Old Course Number Old Course Name
WGS 200 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies in the Social Sciences WS 200 Introduction to Women’s Studies in the Social Sciences
WGS 201 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies in the Arts and Humanities WS 201 Introduction to Women’s Studies in the Arts and Humanities