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Agriculture - Diploma

Offered at: Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Madisonville Community College

Program Plan Number: 0103014039

Course Title Credits
General Education
Select one of the following two options:3
Writing I
Select one of the following four options:3
Social/Behavioral Science
Natural Science
Quantitative Reasoning
The Economics of Food and Agriculture
Technical Core
Digital Literacy Course3
AGR 125Introduction to Fertilizers and Soils3
AGR 130Field Applications in Agriculture2
AGR 140Issues In Agriculture3
AGR 230Career Development in Agriculture3
AGR 240Introduction to Animal Science3
AGR 250Introduction to Plants/Crop Production3
Technical Core Subtotal20
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
Students must complete one of the tracks listed below to complete the Diploma requirements.

Agriculture Business/Marketing Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301401

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
Please select 14 credit hours from the following 12 course options:14
Financial Accounting
Agriculture Marketing and Sales
Agricultural Internship I
Agriculture Business and Records
Farm Financial Management
Personal Finance
Introduction to Business
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Total Credits40

Agriculture Education Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301402

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 150Agricultural Power3
or AGR 160 Horticultural Science
AGR 180Agricultural Internship I2
EDU 201Introduction to American Education3
EDU 204Technology In the Classroom3
Total Credits40

Agriculture Technology Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Madisonville Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301403

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 150Agricultural Power3
Select one of the following four options:5
Welding for Maintenance
and Welding for Maintenance Lab
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
and Shielded Metal Arc Welding Fillet Lab
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Fillet Lab
Gas Metal Arc Welding
and Gas Metal Arc Welding Fillet Lab
AGR 220Computers In The Agricultural Environment3
COE 199Cooperative Education: (Topic)3
Total Credits40

Agronomy Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301404

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 135Herbaceous Plant Production3
AGR 180Agricultural Internship I2
AGR 215Weed Management3
AGR 245Pest Management3
Total Credits40

Animal Science Track

Offered at: Hopkinsville Community College, Madisonville Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301407

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 180Agricultural Internship I2
AGR 210Applications in Animal Technology3
AGR 280Livestock Management3
AGR 290Animal Nutrition3
Total Credits40

Horticulture Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301405

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 135Herbaceous Plant Production3
AGR 155Greenhouse Production3
AGR 160Horticultural Science3
AGR 180Agricultural Internship I2
AGR 225Fruit and Vegetable Production3
Total Credits40

Sustainable Agriculture Track

Offered at: Henderson Community College

Program Plan Number: 010301406

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal26
AGR 160Horticultural Science3
AGR 180Agricultural Internship I2
AGR 260Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture3
AGR 270Introduction to Organic Agriculture3
Total Credits40