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Computer and Information Technologies - AAS

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 1101017089

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

All approved CIT technical elective course choices can be viewed by clicking this link: 

Course Title Credits
General Education
ENG 101Writing I3
Select one of the following 11 options:3-5
Technical Algebra and Trigonometry
Contemporary College Mathematics
College Algebra
Statistics and Algebra
Finite Mathematics and its Applications
Brief Calculus with Applications
Calculus I
Calculus I
Social and Behavioral Science3
Heritage or Humanities3
Natural Sciences3
General Education Subtotal15-17
Technical Core Requirements
CIT 105Introduction to Computers3
CIT 111Computer Hardware and Software4
CIT 120Computational Thinking3
CIT 170Database Design Fundamentals3
CIT 180Security Fundamentals3
Approved Level I Networking Course4
Approved Level I Programming Language Course3
Approved CIT Capstone Course1-3
Technical Core Subtotal24-26
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
Students must complete one of the tracks listed below to complete the AAS requirements.

Business Software and Support Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101717

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT 130Productivity Software3
CIT 234Advanced Productivity Software3
CIT 236Adv Data Organization Software3
Approved Business or Management Course3
Completion of a Business Software and Support Track Course Sequence in:9
Total Credits60-64

Business Software Specialist Sequence

Course Title Credits
Approved CIT Technical Course3
Approved Business or Management Course3
Total Credits9

Computer Support Sequence

Course Title Credits
CIT 232Help Desk Operations3
Approved CIT Technical Course3
Approved CIT Technical Course3
Total Credits9

Software Support Sequence

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following three options:3
Internet Technologies
Web Page Development
Web Site Design and Production
CIT 253Data Driven Web Pages: (Topic)3
Select one of the following two options:3
Writing II
Oral Communications Course
Total Credits9

Cloud Computing Technologies Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101716

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
Approved Cloud Computing Elective Course3
CIT 227Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration3
CIT 262MS Network Infrastructure3
Completion of a Cloud Computing Technologies Track Course Sequence in one of the following:12-13
Total Credits60-65

Amazon Web Services Sequence

Course Title Credits
CIT 206Amazon Web Services Practitioner3
CIT 207Amazon Web Services Architecting3
or CIT 208 AWS Systems Operations
Approved Cloud Computing Elective3
Approved CIT Elective3
Total Credits12

Data Center Technologies Sequence

Course Title Credits
CIT 203Introduction to Virtualization3
CIT 204VMware Optimize and Scale3
CIT 205Cloud Infrastructure and Services3
Approved Networking Elective3-4
Total Credits12-13

General Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101720

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT Technical Electives 121-25
Total Credits60-68

At least 12 credit hours of the CIT Technical Electives must be from the Approved General Track Electives list.   Students must meet with the Program Coordinator or designee and complete a study plan prior to beginning the General Track.

Geospatial Technologies Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Jefferson Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101718

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT 125Intro to Digital Maps3
CIT 225GIS Data Analysis3
GIS 145Remote Sensing3
GIS 255Geospatial Programming3
GIS 260Geospatial Web Mapping3
CIT 229Selected Topics in GIS3
CIT 290Internship3
Total Credits60-64

Informatics Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101719

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
ENG 102Writing II3
Oral Communications Course3
Select one of the following three options:3
Internet Technologies
Web Page Development
Web Site Design and Production
CIT 249Java II3
or INF 260U Object Oriented Programming I
Completion of an Informatics Track Course Sequence in one of the following:9-11
Total Credits60-66

Business Sequence

Course Title Credits
IFM 111Client-side Informatics Software3
IFM 128Principles of Informatics3
or INF 128U Principles of Informatics
Select one of the following six options:3
Collaboration Software
Advanced Informatics
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Total Credits9

Data Science Sequence

Course Title Credits
MAT 155Trigonometry3
MAT 174Calculus I4
or MA 113U Calculus I
Select one of the following four options:3-4
Discrete Mathematics
Statistics: A Force in Human Judgement
Statistical Methods and Motivations
Total Credits10-11

Informatics Programming Sequence

Course Title Credits
CIT 253Data Driven Web Pages: (Topic)3
Select one of the following three options:3-4
Introduction to Program Design, Abstraction, and Problem Solving
C++ II
Select one of the following three options:3
Introduction to Software Engineering
Statistics: A Force in Human Judgement
Total Credits9-10

Information Security Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101712

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT 182Perimeter Defense3
CIT 184Attacks and Exploits3
CIT 227Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration3
Approved Network Elective Courses6
Approved Security Elective Course3
Approved CIT Technical Course(s)3
Total Credits60-64

Internet Technologies Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101710

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
Select two of the following three options:6
Internet Technologies
Web Page Development
Web Site Design and Production
CIT 257Applied Internet Technologies3
or CIT 258 Internet Technologies Seminar
Completion of an Internet Technologies Track Course Sequence in one of the following:12
Total Credits60-64

Web Programming Sequence

Course Title Credits
Approved Level I Web Programming Language Course3
Approved Level II Web Programming Language Course3
CIT 253Data Driven Web Pages: (Topic)3
Total Credits12

Web Administration Sequence

Course Title Credits
CIT 219Internet Protocols3
CIT 255Web Server Administration3
Select one of the following three options:6
MS Active Directory Services
and MS Network Infrastructure
MS Network Infrastructure
and Microsoft Server Management
Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration
and Advanced UNIX/Linux Administration
Total Credits12

Network Administration Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101708

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
Approved CIT Technical Courses9
Network Administration Track Course Sequence in one of the following:12-14
Total Credits60-66

Microsoft Windows Administration

Course Title Credits
CIT 213Microsoft Client Configuration3
CIT 261MS Active Directory Services3
CIT 262MS Network Infrastructure3
CIT 264Microsoft Server Management3

Cisco Networking Associate

Course Title Credits
CIT 167Switching & Routing Essentials4
CIT 212Connecting and Scaling Networks4
CIT 227Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration3
Choose one of the following two courses:3
Approved Security Elective Course
Approved Network Elective Course

  UNIX/Linux Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 227Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration3
CIT 228Advanced UNIX/Linux Administration3
CIT 267UNIX/Linux Network Services3
CIT 286UNIX/Linux OS Security3

Network Technologies Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101713

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT 219Internet Protocols3
CIT 288Network Security3
Select 15-17 hours of Approved Network Technologies Courses. At least eight hours must be from a single platform and at least four hours must be from a different platform:15-17
Total Credits60-66

Microsoft Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 213Microsoft Client Configuration3
CIT 261MS Active Directory Services3
CIT 262MS Network Infrastructure3
CIT 264Microsoft Server Management3

CISCO Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 167Switching & Routing Essentials4
CIT 212Connecting and Scaling Networks4

UNIX/Linux Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 227Introduction to UNIX/Linux Administration3
CIT 228Advanced UNIX/Linux Administration3
CIT 255Web Server Administration3
CIT 267UNIX/Linux Network Services3
CIT 286UNIX/Linux OS Security3

Data Center Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 201Information Storage Management3
CIT 203Introduction to Virtualization3
CIT 204VMware Optimize and Scale3
CIT 205Cloud Infrastructure and Services3
CIT 206Amazon Web Services Practitioner3
CIT 207Amazon Web Services Architecting3
CIT 208AWS Systems Operations3

Security Platform

Course Title Credits
CIT 182Perimeter Defense3
CIT 184Attacks and Exploits3

Programming Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101709

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
Approved Level II Programming Language3
Approved Level I, II, or III Programming Language3
Approved CIT Technical Course(s)3
Completion of a Programming Track Course Sequence in one of the following:12
Total Credits60-64

Information Systems Sequence

Course Title Credits
Approved CIT Technical Courses3
Approved Management or Business Course3
Approved Business Course3

 Programming Software Development Sequence

Course Title Credits
Approved Level I Programming Language3
Approved Level II Programming Language3
Select one of the following three options:3
Internet Technologies
Web Page Development
Web Site Design and Production
CIT 253Data Driven Web Pages: (Topic)3

Video Game Design Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110101715

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39-43
CIT/IMD 124Introduction to Game Development3
CIT/IMD 221Computer Graphics3
CIT/IMD 2223D Modeling for Video Games3
CIT/IMD 2233D Animation for Video Games3
CIT/IMD 273Game Production3
CIT/IMD 274Seminar in Game Development3
Video Game Design Elective3
Total Credits60-64