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Graphic Design and Library Technology - AAS

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 1108017019

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education Courses
ENG 101Writing I 13
ENG 102Writing II 13
Quantitative Reasoning Course 13
Natural Sciences Course 13
Heritage/Humanities Course 13
Social/Behavioral Sciences Course 13
Core Content
IMD 100Digital Information & Communication Technologies3
IMD 115Introduction to Graphic Design3
IMD 126Introduction to Desktop Publishing3
IMD 133Beginning Web Design3
IMD 270Professional Practices3
IMD 275Information Management and Communications3
COE 199Cooperative Education: (Topic)3
or IMD 271 Internship
General Education and Core Content Subtotal39
Students must complete one of the tracks listed below to complete the AAS requirements.

Satisfies General Education requirement for the AAS degree.

Graphic Design Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110801702

Course Title Credits
General Education and Core Content Subtotal39
IMD 127Vector Design with Adobe Illustrator 3
IMD 128Raster Design with Adobe PhotoShop3
IMD 180Intermediate Web Design3
IMD 226Advanced Desktop Publishing3
IMD 228Advanced Photoshop3
or IMD 229 Advanced Illustrator
IMD 277Typography3
IMD 280Portfolio Practicum: Graphic Design3
Total Credits60

Library Information Technology Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110801704

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Core Content Subtotal39
LIT 115Introduction to Reference Services3
LIT 124Library Administration3
LIT 132Library Technical Services3
Select one of the following six Library & Information Technology Services Option courses:3
Readers' Advisory Services
Library Services for Children
Library Services for Young Adults
Library Services for Adults
Library Services for Preschool Children
Genealogy Services in Libraries
Select three courses from the list of Library & Information Technology Track Option Courses:9
Readers' Advisory Services
Seminar in Kentucky Literature 1
Literature of Appalachian Kentucky
Literature of Western Kentucky
Library Services for Children 1
Library Services for Young Adults 1
Library Services for Adults 1
Library Services for Preschool Children 1
Genealogy Services in Libraries 1
History of Libraries
Information Literacy
Selected Topics in Library Information Technology (May be repeated up to 6 hours)
Total Credits60

Course can be used as a Library & Information Technology track course if not utilized as Library & Information Technology Services Option Course.

Video Game Design Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 110801705

Course Title Credits
General Education and Core Content Subtotal39
IMD/CIT 124Introduction to Game Development3
IMD 165Video-Game Level Design3
IMD/CIT 221Computer Graphics3
IMD/CIT 2223D Modeling for Video Games3
IMD/CIT 2233D Animation for Video Games3
IMD/CIT 273Game Production3
IMD/CIT 274Seminar in Game Development3
Total Credits60