Nuclear Medicine Imaging

The Nuclear Medicine Imaging (NMI) program prepares the individual to work in the field of Nuclear Medicine Imaging. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging is the medical specialty utilizing the nuclear properties of radioactive and stable nuclides to make diagnostic evaluation of the anatomic or physiologic conditions of the body and to provide therapy with unsealed radioactive materials. The skills of the nuclear medicine technologist complement those of the nuclear medicine physician and other professionals in the field. Nuclear medicine technologists have responsibilities in the following areas: (a) patient care and monitoring, (b) technical skills related to radiation safety, radiopharmacy, clinical instrumentation, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (including hybrid imaging and emerging technologies), quality control, and computers, and (c) administrative functions related to supplies and equipment, documentation of operations related to disposition of radioactive materials, quality control data, and patient records.
The NMI program is a selective admission program. A student must earn a grade of C or better in the prerequisite courses to be admitted to and to remain enrolled in the program. Also, a student must earn a grade of C or better in each of the NMI courses to be retained in the program. After graduation from the program, the individual is eligible to write the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) nuclear medicine technology examination to earn credentials. Please see the guidelines for the selective admission requirements to the Nuclear Medicine Imaging program.
Documentation of computer literacy as defined by KCTCS is required prior to enrolling in the first NMI course.