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Multimedia - Diploma

Offered at: Somerset Community College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 1003044019

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
Select one of the following three options:3
Written Communication
Oral Communications
Select one of the following three options:3
Quantitative Reasoning
Natural Sciences
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Required Technical Core
VCC 100Introduction to Visual Communication3
VCC 106Typography3
VCA 108Color Theory3
VCC 110Design Concepts3
VCC 125Computer Graphics I 13
VCC 166Photoshop Basics3
VCC 200Illustrator Basics3
VCC 220InDesign Basics3
VCC 255Emerging Media Design3
VCA 280Professional Portfolio Development3
Select one of the following three options:3
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
Students must complete one of the tracks listed below to complete the diploma requirements.

Approved for Digital Literacy

Animation Track

This program is not currently offered at a KCTCS College.
Program Plan Number: 100304403

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
VCM 1152-D Animation3
VCM 2103-D Animation3
VCM 215After Effects3
VCM 225Advanced 3-D Animation3
Approved Technical Elective3
Total Credits54

Digital Design Track

Offered at: Somerset Community College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 100304404

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
VCC 260Computer Graphics II3
Approved Technical Electives12
Total Credits54

Multimedia Track

This program is not currently offered at a KCTCS College.
Program Plan Number: 100304401

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
VCM 140Digital Video3
VCM 220Webpage Design3
Approved Technical Electives9
Total Credits54

Video Production Track

Offered at: Somerset Community College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 100304406

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
VCM 125Foundations of Video Production3
VCM 140Digital Video3
VCM 215After Effects3
VCM 240Advanced Digital Video3
Approved Technical Elective3
Total Credits54

Web Design Track

This program is not currently offered at a KCTCS College.
Program Plan Number: 100304402

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal39
VCM 220Webpage Design3
VCM 230Advanced Webpage Design3
Approved Technical Electives9
Total Credits54