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Business Administration - AAS

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 5202017129

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education
ENG 101Writing I3
COM 181Basic Public Speaking3
or COM 252 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Any Economics Course3
Select one of the following four options:3
Business Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
College Algebra
Higher Quantitative Reasoning
Natural Sciences3
Technical Courses
ACC 201Financial Accounting3
ACC 202Managerial Accounting3
CIT 105Introduction to Computers3
or OST 105 Introduction to Information Systems
ENG 102Writing II3
or OST 235 Business Communications Technology
BAS 160Introduction to Business3
BAS 260Professional Development and Protocol2
BAS 270Business Employability Seminar1
BAS 267Introduction to Business Law3
BAS 282Principles of Marketing3
BAS 283Principles of Management3
Technical Subtotal27
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
Students must complete one of the tracks listed below to complete the AAS requirements.

Accounting Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201701

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
ACT 279Computerized Accounting Systems3
ACT 281Individual Taxation3
ACT 286Financial Accounting Topics3
Select one of the following three options:3
Worksheets in Business Applications
Productivity Software
Advanced Microsoft Applications
Select six hours (not duplicated from the core) from the following seven technical courses:6
Payroll Accounting
Managerial Accounting Topics
Selected Topics in Accounting: (Topic)
Corporate and Partnership Taxation
Personal Finance
Introduction to Financial Management
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Business Internship
Total Credits63

Business Management Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201717

Note: Students in this track must take ENG 102 Writing II (3 credit hours), MAT 150 College Algebra (3 credit hours) or higher quantitative reasoning and ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours) or ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours) as part of the core.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
BAS 200Small Business Management3
or MGT 256 Operations Management
BAS 274Human Resource Management3
or BAS 287 Supervisory Management
MGT 292Strategic Management3
MGT 210Managing Quality3
Select six credit hours from the following list of options:6
Personal Finance
Personal and Organizational Leadership
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Principles of Macroeconomics
Business Writing
Information Management and Communications
Brief Calculus with Applications
Small Business Management
Management, Ethics and Society
Operations Management
Project Management
Human Resource Management
Supervisory Management
Personal Selling
Advertising and Promotion
Retail Management
Buying and Merchandising
Selected Topics in Business Management: (Option Topic)
Selected Topics in Marketing
Worksheets in Business Applications
Productivity Software
Advanced Microsoft Applications
General Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Real Estate Principles I
Real Estate Marketing
Statistical Methods and Motivations
Total Credits63

Equine Business Management Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201718

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
EQS 110Basic Equine Physiology3
EQS 104Equine Care Lab1-3
or EQS 299 Equine Studies Cooperative Education
EQS 118Equine Bloodstock3
EQM 120Introduction to Commercial Breeding Practices 3
EQS 130Introduction to the Racing Industry3
EQS 240Equine Legal and Business Principles3
Total Credits61-63

Hospitality Management Track

Offered at: Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Hopkinsville Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201703

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
HOS 100Introduction to Hospitality Management3
CUL 100Introduction to Culinary Arts2
or CUL 105 Applied Introduction to Culinary Arts
HOS 282Tourism Marketing3
Select nine hours (not duplicated from the core) from the following list of Technical Courses:9
Small Business Management
Human Resource Management
Management, Ethics and Society
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Business Internship
Sanitation and Safety
Basic Food Production
Human Relations Management
Cost and Control
Security for the Hospitality Industry
Cultural Heritage Tourism
Front Office Operations
Total Credits62

Human Resource Management Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201715

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
BAS 274Human Resource Management3
BAS 287Supervisory Management3
ACT 196Payroll Accounting3
BAS 110Worksheets in Business Applications3
or CIT 130 Productivity Software
or OST 240 Advanced Microsoft Applications
Choose six hours (not duplicated from the core) from the following approved technical electives: 6
Business Internship
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Customer Service Improvement Skills
Applied Management Skills
Personal and Organizational Leadership
Management, Ethics and Society
Business Ethics
Selected Topics in Business Management: (Option Topic)
Business Communications Technology
Office Management
General Psychology
Human Relations
Elementary Spanish I
Total Credits63

Management Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Gateway Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College, Hopkinsville Community College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Madisonville Community College, Maysville Community and Technical College, Owensboro Community and Technical College, Somerset Community College, Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201708

May be available completely online. Please check with your academic advisor.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
BAS 287Supervisory Management3
or BAS 288 Personal and Organizational Leadership
Select one of the following three options:3
Introduction to Financial Management
Personal Finance
Second Quantitative Reasoning Course 1
BAS 284Applied Management Skills3
or BAS 256 International Business
Select 9 hours (not duplicated from the core) from the following list of Management and/or Technical Courses with a minimum of 3 hours selected from Management Courses:9
Management Courses
Small Business Management
Customer Service Improvement Skills
Introduction to Financial Management
International Business
Human Resource Management
Supervisory Management
Personal and Organizational Leadership
Operations Management
Management, Ethics and Society
Business Ethics
Retail Management
Selected Topics in Business Management: (Option Topic)
Office Management
Technical Courses
Entrepreneurial Accounting
Payroll Accounting
Worksheets in Business Applications
Productivity Software
Advanced Microsoft Applications
Personal Finance
Social Media Marketing: Fundamental Concepts, Skills, and Strategies
Business Writing
Writing II
Web Page Development
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Business Internship
Introduction to Global Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Logistics Management
Business Communications Technology
General Psychology
Introduction to Quality Systems
Elementary Spanish I
Total Credits63

Must be a General Education Quantitative Reasoning that is different from core Quantitative Reasoning selection.

Marketing Track

Offered at: Ashland Community and Technical College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Henderson Community College

Program Plan Number: 520201719

Note: Students must select a marketing sequence and 6 credit hours from the Approved Marketing Electives. Students in this track must take ENG 102 Writing II (3 credit hours), MAT 150 College Algebra (3 credit hours) or higher quantitative reasoning and ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours) or ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours) as part of the core.

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
Select one of the following four options:12
Approved Marketing Electives6
Total Credits63

Marketing Sequence

Course Title Credits
MKT 290Advertising and Promotion3
MKT 295Consumer Behavior3
BAS 125Social Media Marketing: Fundamental Concepts, Skills, and Strategies3
BAS 290Management, Ethics and Society3
Total Credits12

Retail Management Sequence

Course Title Credits
MKT 291Retail Management3
MKT 155Personal Selling3
MKT 290Advertising and Promotion3
BAS 290Management, Ethics and Society3
Total Credits12

Social Media Sequence

Course Title Credits
BAS 125Social Media Marketing: Fundamental Concepts, Skills, and Strategies3
BAS 126Social Media Marketing: Project Management and Implementation Strategies3
MKT 290Advertising and Promotion3
IMD 115Introduction to Graphic Design3
Total Credits12

Entrepreneurship Sequence

Course Title Credits
BAS 170Entrepreneurship3
BAS 200Small Business Management3
BAS 288Personal and Organizational Leadership3
MKT 155Personal Selling3
Total Credits12

Approved Marketing Electives

Course Title Credits
Select six hours from the following list of course options (unless taken as part of a sequence):6
Business Writing
Personal Finance
Social Media Marketing: Fundamental Concepts, Skills, and Strategies
Social Media Marketing: Project Management and Implementation Strategies
Small Business Management
Personal and Organizational Leadership
Project Management
Selected Topics in Marketing (Selected Topics in Business Management and Marketing)
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Worksheets in Business Applications
Productivity Software
Advanced Microsoft Applications
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Graphic Design
Introduction to Desktop Publishing
Vector Design with Adobe Illustrator
Raster Design with Adobe PhotoShop

Real Estate Management Track

Offered at: Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Program Plan Number: 520201706

Course Title Credits
General Education and Technical Core Subtotal45
REA 100Real Estate Principles I3
REA 121Appraising3
REA 225Real Estate Finance3
REA 230Real Estate Law3
Select six hours (not duplicated from the core) from the following 11 Technical Courses:6
Students may select other courses as approved by the Real Estate Program Coordinator.
Real Estate Marketing
Construction and Blueprints
Real Estate Principles II
Property Management
Real Estate Investments I
Commercial and Industrial Property
Land Planning and Development
Farm Brokerage
Real Estate Investments II
Real Estate Brokerage Management
Cooperative Education: (Topic)
Business Internship
Total Credits63