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Foreign Language Studies (FLS)

FLS 100U  (1-3 credit hours)  
Adventures in Language: (Select Language)  
This course introduces students to a language and culture through a variety of possible topics such as French cinema, German folklore, or Spanish dance. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours if topic is different. (source: EKU 2020-2021 Catalog) Lecture: 1-3 credits (15-45 contact hours).
Attributes: University Course (Eastern Kentucky University)
Components: LEC: Lecture
University Course: Eastern Kentucky University
FLS 101U  (3 credit hours)  
Language Topics: (Select Topic) (3)  
Entry level study of a less frequently taught language such as Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Swahili, or other. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours if topic is different. Gen. Ed. E-6 [GE Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: University Course (Eastern Kentucky University)
Components: LEC: Lecture
University Course: Eastern Kentucky University
FLS 102U  (3 credit hours)  
Language Topics: (Select Topic  
Continuing study of a less frequently taught language such as Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Swahili, or other. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours if topic is different. (source: EKU 2020-2021 Catalog) Gen. Ed. E-6 [GE]. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: University Course (Eastern Kentucky University)
Components: LEC: Lecture
University Course: Eastern Kentucky University
FLS 210U  (3 credit hours)  
Language Topics: (Select Topic) (3)  
Intermediate level study of a less frequently taught language such as Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Swahili, or other. May be retaken to a maximum of six hours if topic is different. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Basic proficiency in the language and departmental approval.
Attributes: University Course (Eastern Kentucky University)
Components: LEC: Lecture
University Course: Eastern Kentucky University