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Human Services (HMS)

HMS 101  (3 credit hours)  
Human Services Survey  
Examines community human service agencies regarding their organization, service delivery system, staffing patterns, and funding sources. Explores the origin and development of the social welfare system as well as social welfare policy. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 102  (3 credit hours)  
Values of Human Services in a Contemporary Society  
Examines the values and ethics of human service professions. Encourages a personal philosophy of client intervention, including the development of a professional value base, achieved through the examination of major social problems and issues. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 103  (3 credit hours)  
Theories and Techniques in Human Services  
Introduces philosophies, theories for intervention, and the problem-solving process. Emphasizes the development of a skill base used in counseling techniques and client intervention. Enhances interpersonal relationship skills through knowledge of communication techniques. Provides activities in which the student will apply this knowledge and these skills. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: (HMS 101 and HMS 102 with a grade of "C" or better) or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 104  (3 credit hours)  
Group Dynamics for Human Services  
Covers group techniques in clinical or agency settings based on various theoretical models with emphasis on the leadership role, phases of group development, and interaction within the group. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: HMS103 with a grade of "C" or better or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 200  (3 credit hours)  
Dynamics of Human Behavior  
Includes an historic view of theories of personality development, maladaptive behavior, knowledge of treatment, techniques of adjustment and social implications. Lecture: 3.0 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: PSY 110 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 210  (3 credit hours)  
Drugs, Society, & Human Behavior  
Covers the nature and progression of chemical abuse and dependency, and effects on the individual, family, and society. Includes strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 211  (3 credit hours)  
Introduction to Addictions  
Provides an overview of approaches to understanding addictions with emphasis on the bio-psycho-social model. Analyzes the etiology, progression, and processes involved in change. Lecture: 3.0 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: PSY 110 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 212  (3 credit hours)  
Crisis Intervention  
Focuses on crisis intervention theory, suicide prevention, and risk assessment techniques. Covers risk assessment protocols, crisis triage, de-escalation and referral. Introduces clinical, ethical and legal aspects. Lecture: 3.0 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: PSY 110 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 220  (3 credit hours)  
Cultural Diversity in Human Services  
Examines current and historical cultural diversity in human services provision. Focuses on cultural self-awareness and cultural competence as they pertain to human services professionals. Explores dominant and minority cultural norms, attitudes, and belief systems. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 235  (3 credit hours)  
Teaching Persons with Mental Retardation  
Introduces mental retardation with emphasis on understanding and teaching the mentally retarded. Lecture: 3.0 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: PSY 110 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 240  (3 credit hours)  
Service Coordination for Human Services Professionals  
Provides students with experience utilizing techniques and skills used in human services, as well as the theories behind these techniques and skills. Explores skills related to service delivery, behavior management, and supportive services with different populations, including adults, children, families, individuals with mental impairments, mental illnesses, and/or developmental disabilities. Demonstrates skills and techniques including therapeutic communication, interviewing clients, treatment planning, goal setting, documentation & record keeping, crisis intervention, and addressing ethical dilemmas. Lecture: 3 credit hours (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 245  (3 credit hours)  
Psychiatric Mental Health Technician  
Prepares students for employment as psychiatric aides or psychiatric technicians. Includes a review of nursing assistant skills, psychopathology, DSM diagnostics, strengths perspective, bio-psycho-social assessments, and psychotropic medications. Explores the responsibilities of mental health technicians who work under the supervision of a psychiatrist, registered nurse, or social worker; as well as participate in the development and implementation of therapeutic treatment plans for persons with mental disorders; particularly those receiving treatment in an inpatient setting. Lecture: 3 credits (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: NAA 100 or MNA 100, PSY 110 and HMS 103 with a grade of "C" or better or consent of instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 248  (3 credit hours)  
Foundational Skills in Para-Professional Practice  
Applies principles of skills previously learned in Human Services courses which are utilized to develop proficiency related to interviewing, data collection, assessment, goal development, contracting, and documentation. Lecture: 3 credit hours (45 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: HMS 104 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 251  (3 credit hours)  
Clinical Practices in Human Services  
Provides practice and application of principles and skills previously learned in Human Services courses in community agencies. Lecture: 1 credit hour (15 contact hours). Clinical: 2 credit hours (120 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: HMS 101, HMS 102, HMS 103, HMS 104 or Consent of Instructor.
Attributes: Technical
Components: CLN: Clinical, LEC: Lecture
HMS 265  (3 credit hours)  
Working with Disabilities in Human Services  
Provides an in-depth study of the coordination and provision of services and supports for individuals with disabilities in community settings, including the provision of community-referenced instruction, vocational instruction in community settings, school-to-work transition planning, integrated recreation/leisure opportunities, and personal management/independent living skill training and supports. Emphasizes developmental disabilities and mental retardation. Lecture: 3.0 credits (45 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
HMS 299  (1-3 credit hours)  
Special Topics in Human Services: (Topic)  
Provides an in-depth knowledge of a Human Services topic and allows students' choices with coordinator/instructor's approval on an issue of instruction. Lecture: 1-3 credits (15-45 contact hours). Clinical: 1-3 credits (60-180 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture