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Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW)

IRW 85  (4 credit hours)  
Integrated Reading and Writing I  
Emphasizes proficiency in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills to prepare students for college reading through individualized and/or group instruction and practice. Applies writing as a process with emphasis on paragraph-length assignments, basic conventions of standard English as these apply to students' own work, writing in response to reading, and the use of technology to produce and share writing. Lecture: 4 credits (60 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Placement by KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy.
Attributes: Developmental/Remedial Learning Skills
Components: LEC: Lecture
IRW 95  (4 credit hours)  
Integrated Reading and Writing  
Emphasizes critical reading skills to develop vocabulary techniques, active reading strategies, comprehension accuracy, and interpretation of visual elements in texts. Applies writing as a process with instruction in intermediate writing skills and technology emphasizing organization, idea development through critical thinking, and editorial improvements through multi-paragraph writing. Introduces basic research and documentation through writing in response to reading. Lecture: 4 credits (60 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Placement by KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy.
Attributes: Developmental/Remedial Learning Skills
Components: LEC: Lecture
IRW 100  (3-4 credit hours)  
Integrated Reading and Writing Workshop  
Improves reading comprehension and vocabulary of expository materials. Applies active reading strategies to college-level materials. Provides parallel and supplemental review of English skills needed. Must withdraw simultaneously from both IRW 100 and the concurrent ENG 101 course if withdrawal is initiated. Co-Requisite: ENG 101. Lecture: 3-4 credits (45-60 contact hours).
Pre-requisite: Placement by KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy for either Reading or English.
Attributes: Other
Components: LEC: Lecture