Kentucky Medication Aide (KMA)
KMA 100 (5 credit hours)
Kentucky Medication Aide
Prepares a Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aide to administer specific medications in a long term care facility as delegated and supervised by a licensed nurse. Lecture/Lab: 5.0 credits (105 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: LEC: Lecture
KMA 200 (2 credit hours)
Kentucky Certified Medication Aide II
Prepares a Kentucky Medicaid Nurse Aide to administer insulin per pre-filled insulin pen in a long-term care facility as delegated and supervised by a licensed nurse. Lecture: 1.5 credits (22.5 contact hours); Clinical: 0.25 credits (11.25 contact hours); Laboratory: 0.25 credits (7.5 contact hours).
Attributes: Technical
Components: CLN: Clinical, LAB: Laboratory, LEC: Lecture